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Banpu Champions for Change (BC4C)

Banpu Champions for Change A social enterprise incubation program started in 2011 as one of the CSR projects of Banpu Public Co., Ltd. with the aim to promote the development of sustainable businesses by entrepreneurs in Thailand. The 9-month program targets those who have preliminary insights of their customers and beneficiaries and have already started testing their ideas. The program provides them with workshop training, coaching as well as funding up to THB 330k to help transform their ideas into viable social businesses. On average 10 social enterprises had been incubated annually, which came from a wide range of impact areas such as agriculture, community development, education, healthcare, etc.

:    12
:      5,000,000.00


To support the growth of social entrepreneurs and empower them to grow their impact sustainably

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services


Social entrepreneurs

    10 teams of social entrepreneurs that will be selected into the incubation program. Social entrepreneurs selected into the program are in an early stage of business, with preliminary solutions to social and/or environmental problems and prototypes but still require additional knowledge and coaching in order to set up and grow their social enterprises.

Incubation program 1) Workshop training (3 workshops covering topics such as defining business and impact model, market testing, market communication, social impact measurement) 2) Pitching sessions for selecting champions for grants 3) Grants 4) Mentorship by either alumni/external experts

Increase in capability in becoming social entrepreneurs

Increase in knowledge and skills

Incubation program 1) Workshop training (3 workshops covering topics such as defining business and impact model, market testing, market communication, social impact measurement) 2) Pitching sessions for selecting champions for grants 3) Grants 4) Mentorship by either alumni/external experts

Able to generate income

รายได้ที่เกิดจากมอบทุนหรือการสนับสนุนจากองค์กรในช่วงระยะเวลาการรายงาน () / Revenue generated by enterprises financed or supported by the organization during the reporting period. (IRIS+)



Incubation program 1) Workshop training (3 workshops covering topics such as defining business and impact model, market testing, market communication, social impact measurement) 2) Pitching sessions for selecting champions for grants 3) Grants 4) Mentorship by either alumni/external experts

Able to generate impact

งานที่สร้างให้กับผู้มีรายได้น้อยโดยกิจการที่ได้รับสินเชื่อจากโครงการ (NIA) / Jobs created for low-income earners by projects financed by enterprises. (IRIS)

Incubation program 1) Workshop training (3 workshops covering topics such as defining business and impact model, market testing, market communication, social impact measurement) 2) Pitching sessions for selecting champions for grants 3) Grants 4) Mentorship by either alumni/external experts

Able to start operating as business entity (registered company)

จำนวนธุรกิจใหม่ที่สร้างขึ้นจากการลงทุนขององค์กรในช่วงเวลาที่รายงาน () / Number of new businesses created as a result of investments made by the organization during the reporting period. (IRIS+)



Incubation program 1) Workshop training (3 workshops covering topics such as defining business and impact model, market testing, market communication, social impact measurement) 2) Pitching sessions for selecting champions for grants 3) Grants 4) Mentorship by either alumni/external experts

Sustainability in business

Survival of business for at least 3 years

  • To support the growth of social entrepreneurs and empower them to grow their impact sustainably

Increase in capability in becoming social entrepreneurs

Financial sustainability

Positive net profit for 2 consecutive years

  • To support the growth of social entrepreneurs and empower them to grow their impact sustainably

Able to generate income

Able to generate impact sustainably

งานที่สร้างให้กับผู้มีรายได้น้อยโดยกิจการที่ได้รับสินเชื่อจากโครงการ (NIA) / Jobs created for low-income earners by projects financed by enterprises. (IRIS)

  • To support the growth of social entrepreneurs and empower them to grow their impact sustainably

Able to generate impact

Sustainability in business

Survival of business for at least 3 years

  • To support the growth of social entrepreneurs and empower them to grow their impact sustainably

Able to start operating as business entity (registered company)